My Suggestion Of A Future Peak Hour Express Bus From Box Hill To The CBD

The Box Hill Metropolitan Activity Centre 2036 Draft Master Plan states: “The resident population of BHMAC has grown by 3% per annum from 3,800 people in 2006 to 5,100 in 2016…. The resident population is anticipated to grow to between 12,700 and 14,000 people by 2036, requiring between 4,000 and 4600 additional dwellings. The majority of new housing in the BHMAC is anticipated to be in medium and high rise apartments and mixed use development.” This means that the Box Hill activity centre will see huge growth in the next decade or so with the population set to become more than double what it was in 2016. Much of that growth has already occurred. One can see that the skyline has changed dramatically since 2016 with residential skyscrapers repeatedly popping up. The latest approval is for a fifty one story residential tower which will be part of the redevelopment of Box Hill Central. Such residential growth will put huge pressure on Melbourne’s busiest train line - the Lilyda...